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Senior Services

Jewish Family & Children's Service
5905 Golden Valley Rd
Golden Valley, MN 55422
Couseling services, adult day program, meals on wheels, reverse mortgage counseling
Lutheran Social Services
Various Locations
Caregiver support, food assistance, help in your home, managing finances, legal and advocacy services

14700 Martin Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors, holiday gift program, programs for adults with disabilities
Senior Community Services
10201 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 335
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Senior Community Services is a nonprofit provider of senior and caregivers services in Mound. Senior Community Services programs include:  Senior Outreach & Caregiver Services, CareNextion Care Coordination Tool, Household and Outside Maintenance for the Elderly (HOME), Medicare Insurance Counseling, Senior Partners Care

Senior LinkAge Line
Free statewide information and assistance service for Seniors.  Connects seniors with: Financial Assistance, Home Care, Housekeeping and Chore services, Indian Elder Program, Legal Assistance, Long-term Care Ombudsman, Meal Delivery and Nutrition, Transitional Consultation, Transportation

Sabathani Community Center
310 East 38th Street, Room 211
Minneapolis, MN 55409
Senior Independent Living Center for adults 50+ to receive services and have social engagement on a regular basis. The Center offers a weekly nurse clinic, a podiatry clinic, flu shots, fitness classes, diabetes prevention education, a danceline, ceramics, tax filing, legal resources and plenty of fun, social activities. 

Various Locations
Provides full range of housing& healthcare options for seniors

Crisis Line: 612-825-0000
Advocates for and educate elders and adults with disabilities; caregiver support and education, financial exploitation

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