Donate to Fight Poverty

With the help of funders and generous supporters like you, Community Action Partnership of Hennepin County (CAP-HC) helps thousands of families with low income build stability and pave a path to long–term prosperity.

elementary age son and young mother smiling in the sun

Donate with Confidence

CAP-HC received Candid’s Platinum Seal of Transparency, the highest award offered, and met the Charities Review Council’s rigorous standards for accountability.

Sponsor A Family FAQs

Who can sponsor a family?

Sponsoring a family is a great opportunity for individuals, businesses, coworkers, faith communities, families, and friends to make a difference in their community this season! Any individual or group with a budget of at least $150 ($75 minimum per family member) can sponsor a family.

If sponsoring a family is out of your group’s budget, make a donation in any amount to support Hennepin County families with low income.

How are sponsorship families chosen?

All families are low-income clients of our Emergency Rental, Vehicle Repair, or Energy Assistance programs and have been selected by staff members.

How long does it take for a sponsor to be matched with a family?

The timing between submitting the sign-up form and being matched with a family can vary based on a number of factors, but all sponsors will be matched with a family by Nov. 20. Sponsors will be notified via the email provided on their sign-up form. If the sponsor has chosen to shop for gifts, the family’s wish list will be included in that email.

If shopping for gifts, when will sponsors receive the family’s wish list?

The family’s wish list will be provided in the email notifying the sponsor they’ve been matched with a family no later than Nov. 20.

If shopping for gifts, is the total spent tax deductible?

If providing gift cards, is the donation amount tax deductible?

Will a receipt be sent to sponsors?

CAP-HC is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit (U.S. tax identification number 41-1524088). All sponsors will receive an acknowledgement letter via email for their donation.

  • If shopping for gifts: CAP-HC is not authorized to place a value on purchased gifts. We encourage you to keep all receipts for purchased gifts as well as the acknowledgment email for tax purposes.
  • If providing gift cards: The sponsor’s acknowledgement will include the total value of the gift cards.

What if a sponsor matched with a family finds they are no longer able to be a sponsor?

  • If a sponsor has chosen to purchase gifts and is no longer able to do so, we ask that you provide gift cards to support the family instead. Contact Amelia Barkley ( for more information.
  • If a sponsor is neither able to purchase gifts nor provide gift cards, please contact Amelia Barkley ( as soon as possible so that we can make every effort to match the family with a different sponsor.

Can sponsors meet the family they’re sponsoring?

It is our priority to protect the privacy and safety of our clients and sponsors. For this reason, there will not be an opportunity for sponsors and sponsored families to meet.