From CAP-HC Staff

Throughout Community Action Month (CAM), Dr. Hightower led lunch-break conversations with staff about the Community Action Network—it’s work nationally and locally. Staff also shared their thoughts about why they work at Community Action Partnership of Hennepin County (CAP-HC) and why our work is important. Today, we’re sharing some of those thoughts with you as we wrap up CAM 2024.

“We’re an important organization because of the work we do, it’s needed. Our clients are really appreciative.”

“People are surprised at how many different programs we have to offer.”

“It helps to work at a place whose values and mission align with my own. I believe in the work we do.”

—CAP-HC Staff Member

“Serving the community is important. Sometimes, nonprofits inadvertently perpetuate systems of oppression and inequality, but CAP-HC can actually break down those systems to be impactful by meeting people where they are.”

“Being able to give back to the community. We’re making a real difference in people’s lives.”

“People are so grateful that we’re dealing with them on a human level. [They’re] so grateful for the space to say what’s going on. It’s such a relief, a burden that’s lifted.”

—CAP-HC Staff Member

“I’m a piece of the puzzle. We all put our piece in to serve our clients.”

“I like to help people and I know people who have used these services and they don’t always get treated with respect. So I try to be really friendly and helpful. That could be my mom waiting on the phone, my brother with his power turned off.”

“I’ve worked for Cap for 11 yrs. I like being able to be a voice for our clients. I used these services when I was a young mom, so speaking on behalf of our clients.”

—CAP-HC Staff Member

Dr. Hightower closed each conversation by remarking, “the potential for Community Action is enormous. [The Community Action Network] can turn people’s lives around. What we want to do at our very best is help move people out of poverty. I’m excited about the time when we can give people the resources they need—direct services, skills and knowledge, job training—to move them out of poverty. And each of us can move that potential closer to reality in our work every day.”

If you want to help improve the lives of people with low income, here are some ways you can take action:

Have you received services from or participated in a CAP-HC program? Share your story with us!

Make a donation to CAP-HC in any amount to fight poverty and create pathways to prosperity for people with low income. 

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