
Get the latest updates, news, and insights from Community Action Partnership of Hennepin County (CAP-HC).

  • Our Website Got a Glow-Up

    Our Website Got a Glow-Up

    You gave us feedback—we listened. After months of evaluation, including gathering feedback from 180 clients, and redesign work, we’re thrilled to share our new and improved website with you! The site officially launched on February 4 with it a fresh, modern design. Improvements include easier navigation, translation options in 9 languages other than English, enhanced…

    Read Now: Our Website Got a Glow-Up
  • Transforming Lives, One Kitchen at a Time

    Transforming Lives, One Kitchen at a Time

    Community Action Partnership of Hennepin County (CAP-HC) and Renewal Experts Construction are excited to reveal the results of our Kitchen Remodel Giveaway for one deserving family. This project brought awareness to the struggles people with low income face every day through one family’s story. It was more than a renovation—it was a symbol of hope,…

    Read Now: Transforming Lives, One Kitchen at a Time
  • Building Financial Wellness: A Path to Prosperity

    Building Financial Wellness: A Path to Prosperity

    Our final installment for Poverty Awareness Month focuses on Financial Wellness as a tool for economic stability and future prosperity. Financial wellness involves managing daily expenses, preparing for financial emergencies, and planning for the future. It’s difficult to balance it all, but the ability to implement smart financial strategies can reduce stress and help people…

    Read Now: Building Financial Wellness: A Path to Prosperity
  • Ensuring Utility Stability for Households with Low Income

    Ensuring Utility Stability for Households with Low Income

    Our next installment for Poverty Awareness Month centers the importance of utility stability. Access to consistent and affordable utilities—such as electricity, heating, and water—is essential for maintaining health, safety, and overall well-being. For families with low income, utility stability is not just a matter of convenience but a critical necessity. Through programs like those offered…

    Read Now: Ensuring Utility Stability for Households with Low Income