2024-2025 Water Assistance Program

Community Action Partnership of Hennepin County’s (CAP-HC’s) Water Assistance Program can help you pay your past-due water bills and related charges.


You’re eligible for assistance if you meet the following requirements:

  1. You live in Hennepin County.
  2. You pay your water bill to one of Hennepin County’s municipal water suppliers.
  3. You have household income that is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level Income Guidelines — see table.

Note: that you’re only eligible for one Water Program grant per program year.

Have a household of 9 or more people? Call 952-933-9639 for income eligibility information.

Income Eligibility Requirements

Household SizeMaximum Monthly Gross Income*Maximum Annual Gross Income*
*Gross income — total earnings before taxes and other deductions

How to Submit Your Application

You can submit your completed application and documentation in one of the following ways:


CAP-HC Water Assistance Program
7101 Northland Circle N, Suite 123
Brooklyn Park, MN 55428

In person:

Visit one of CAP-HC’s offices during office hours to drop off your application and documentation.

We will review your application materials and follow up with you for next steps.
Still have questions or want to have an application mailed to you? Please email us at water@caphennepin.org.